Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Unemployed and Play Poker

This is seeming a little strange.. I am approaching my 29th birthday and I find myself unemployed… again. It seems like a dream.. like it’s just a long weekend. I had planned a Vegas trip for this weekend so it just seems like an extra day off was tacked on.. Well, yesterday while I was eating my salad at my computer.. in my dark corner of an office.. I was approached and asked to come to a meeting. I knew it. I sort of knew it was coming with all the lay offs and my lack of seniority at this company. The moment they say the words though, it is real. Another victim of our terrible economy.

Without a severance.. I start to panic. I am shaking and nervous.. How am I going to do this? There’s always unemployment but they are so backed up I haven’t been able to get my claim in yet. That’s scary. I have a bit of a buffer to get me through for awhile and support from my family. I’m not too worried.. yet.

Today I enjoyed a nice day outside.. it’s beautiful in LA. Sunny and 70. Can’t argue with that. I’m inspired to be creative again and work on my own projects, which is great.. I always have potential freelance.. because honestly, a full time job is not something I’m looking to rush into. I’d like to find alternate ways to support myself. Which leads me to poker.

i am playing poker again. I recently came back to the game after taking 2 months off to regroup and study after a bad end of 2008. Things have been going well so far.. so now I’m about to take another stab at poker as a way to support myself.. and my cats. We’ll see how this goes. I’m keeping track and managing my money very carefully. This worked out well for me at this time last year. I didn’t even want this job (I was just laid off from) when it was offered to me last April. I wanted to continue freelancing and playing poker. Maybe it’s the mindset of supporting myself with poker that makes me play smarter and more focused. Well we’ll see how it goes. I plan to blog my journey here often.. (I mean what else have I got to do, right? ha!). I am also on twitter and posting regularly.

Please follow me on twitter if you find that a crazy unemployed cat lady playing poker for a living something that’s interesting to read.
Follow Me: sandypantalones


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